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September 7, 2020
Nuwe personeel 2021
February 18, 2021Ruben du Toit knows his stuff!
At the age of 8, Ruben Du Toit already understands the importance of his role in safeguarding the future of rhinos. In his heartwarming, school speech that tells the story of rhino orphan Yster, he inspires his classmates to grow up to take responsibility for conserving nature.
He finishes his speech by saying “Yster doesn’t have his Mom anymore. It is our responsibility, as the children of South Africa, to protect our beautiful rhinos”
For those people not fluent in Afrikaans, translation below:
‘’Rhinos are one of Africa’s big five and are endangered which means there’s very few Rhinos left in the world. If we don’t make a plan soon there won’t be any Rhinos left.
To teach you more about this big grey mammal I will tell you about Yster. Yster and his Mom lived in the Kruger National Park. One night on full moon, the wretched poachers came and shot little Yster’s mom dead and chopped her horns off.
Rhino horn is worth more than gold and sold for a lot of money. Yster was a small calf and got taken to the rhino orphanage, Care for Wild where Auntie Petronel takes care of him.
If yster was to visit our school for a day he would not be able to skip the rope because Rhinos are way too heavy. Rhinos can weigh up to 2500kg, as heavy as a Landover. Yster won’t be able to read either, their eyes are too poor. But he will be able to smell Mr Henk coming even before he is out of his office!
He will love the lettuce on our sandwiches because he is a herbivore and Miss will have to give him a bottle of milk because Rhinos drink from their Moms for 2 years.
Yster doesn’t have his Mom anymore. It is our responsibility, as the children of South Africa, to protect our beautiful rhinos”