Amidst a very busy programme, the curriculum of Laerskool Nelspruit remains the focal point.  The teaching of the three basic skills, namely reading, writing and maths form the basis of our teaching and provides our children with a solid foundation.


By Laerskool Nelspruit streef ons na akademiese uitnemendheid. Kinders word aangemoedig om optimaal te ontwikkel en hulle kennis te verbreed hetsy wanneer hulle individueel of in groepe werk.


Our academic vision is to educate the whole child and to provide a quality and meaningful education to each child through a supportive environment. To achieve this you have to remain sensitive to the needs and capabilities of the child, bearing in mind that each child is unique. We aim to provide a rich variety of learning experiences that will develop a child who is happy, well-adjusted, confident, has a healthy self-esteem and a sense of belonging.


Die beginsels van die Nasionale Kurrikulum Assessering en Beleidsverklaring word doeltreffend en suksesvol by Laerskool Nelspruit toegepas. Hierdie basiese beginsels sluit die volgende in:
  1. ‘n Uitkomsgebaseerde benadering
  2. Sosiale geregtigheid
  3. ‘n Gesonde omgewing
  4. Menseregte
  5. Inklusiwiteit
  6. ‘n Hoë kennis- en vaardigheidsvlak vir almal
  7. Duidelikheid en toeganklikheid
  8. Vooruitgang en integrasie


Learning programmes therefore ensure that the children are academically, emotionally, socially, physically, culturally and spiritually stimulated. We provide every opportunity for the learners to reach their potential. Our teaching commitment is to make a difference in each child’s life and to encourage and motivate our children to give their best.
Vir meer inligting oor ons Akademiese beleid LEES HIER