Laerskool Nelspruit se tradisies en etos is gebaseer op waardes en normes wat verteenwoordigend is van die skool se demografie. Die Beheerliggaan beywer hulle daarvoor dat daar volle aanvaarding van en respek sal wees vir al ons ouers, kinders en personeel en waardes soos integriteit, deernis, verantwoordelikheid, respek en ‘n goeie werksetiek bevorder sal word.
The spirit of our mission is to embrace the religious diversity of South Africa, allowing everyone the right to freedom of conscience, religion, thought, belief and opinion.

The education process in general, will aim at the development of a national democratic culture with respect for the value of all of our people’s diverse cultural, religious and linguistic traditions.

Religion in education at Laerskool Nelspruit will contribute to the advancement of inter-religious tolerance and interpersonal respect among adherents of different religious or secular worldviews in a shared civil society.

In the interest of advancing informed respect for diversity, and as an educational institution we have the responsibility to promote multi-religious knowledge, understanding and appreciation of religions in South Africa.
Our school, together with the broader society, play a role in cultural formation and transmission and we will promote a spirit of openness in which there shall be no overt or covert attempt to indoctrinate any person into any particular belief or religion.
As systems of human accountability, moral values and ethical commitments will be recognized as resources for learning and as vital contributions to nation-building.
While honouring the linguistic, cultural, religious or secular backgrounds of all our parents, staff and learners, we will not allow the overt or covert denigration of any religion or secular world view.