Skoolfondse 2019 / School fees 2019 (Click to download)




All the motions were proposed, seconded and accepted for discussion. The motions were passed by the meeting which was held on 31 October 2018 and subsequently became rsolutions which the school Governing Body of Laerskool Nelspruit have to manage with regard to the school fees for 2019.

Die volle bedrag Skoolgeld word vasgestel op R12 500 per kind per jaar en is betaalbaar vanaf die eerste skooldag in 2019.

Die bedrag kan oor 10 maande (Januarie tot Oktober) in gelyke paaiemente van n R1 250 pm betaal word.

Daar word ook by die Skoolgeld, in elke graad, ‘n ekstra bedrag mbt die Akademie gehef, wat reeds voor 10 Desember 2018 betaalbaar is. The Academic fee will be utilised to procure amongst others, the necessary top up of text books and other learning material which the MED does not supply.

Gr 1-6 Akademiese gelde : R250 per kind
Gr 7 Akademiese gelde : R350 per kind

Ouers wat wil aansoek doen om ‘n subsidie, moet skriftelik daarvoor aansoek doen voor 28 Feb 2019 by die Beheerliggaam en kwalifiseer net indien die aansoek volgens die riglyne in die SA Skolewet geskied.

The Governing Body will adopt and implement the exemption regulations as gazetted in October 2006.

Discount will be given on early payment if the total sum is paid on or before 28 February 2019 on the following conditions : 5% discount if received in cash / cheque / electronic transfer. If paid by credit or debit card the discount will amount to 2%.

Acceptable payment methods towards school fees : Credit or debit card / Internet transfer / Debit order Cash / Cheque / Stop order

Final date for payment of school fees : 31 October 2019.

Additional monitory contributions will be defined as: Essential school uniform, stationary and attire or equipment applicable to all the extra-curricular activities including the cost of tours etc.

Costs may be charged by the designated Debt collector, in respect of the enforcement of a parent’s monetary obligations. In the event of legal action being instituted against a parent in terms of section 40 and 44 of the Schools Act, and legal costs arise, the parent will be held liable for these costs.   Parents who default in their monthly payments, without a written notice indicating the reasons, will be charged 8% interest per year, calculated on a monthly basis, on their account in arrears.

The Governing Body will abide by the SA Schools Act 84 of 1996, Chapter 2 (5) with regard to the       admission of a child: feeder area / work place / medium of instruction etc.

Die Beheerliggaam spreek hul dank en waardering uit aan die ouers wat die moeite gedoen het om die vergadering by te woon, asook elke ander ouer wat insette gelewer het om die skool te ondersteun om uitnemend bestuur te word die afgelope finkoolgeld vir 2018 wat na 28 November 2018 betaal word, moet asb in kontant gedoen word.                                                                                                                                                          


A special word of thanks to the parents who paid the full amount applicable towards the school fees.


SGB 2018